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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

600 or Bust

Right now I’ve got 525 books on my Shelfari shelf. These are books I’ve read. I want to increase that number to 600 mainly because I’m starting to expand my library beyond its seams, and I need to read what I’ve got and then get rid of the ones I don’t plan to keep. I WILL NOT buy more shelves! So, if I read 75 books from now until 31 January 2008, I will have sufficiently reduced my pile of books so I can then buy more. :)


Annette said...

Very nice book shelf, I always love lurking at people's books.

No Reply said...

There is still plenty of room on those shelves. Pull the taller ones out and lay them sideways over the shorter ones. With my shelves I noticed I could push the books back far enough that I could stand more books in front on many shelves, not to mention the two to three feet of space on top of the shelves.

Imani said...

Wow, that's a beautiful shelf. Greg's advice on how to make more room for your books cracks me up because that's exactly what I do!

Ma T said...

I was really trying to keep this shelf looking like it wasn't going to collapse any second by taking all the shortcuts Greg mentioned. But, unfortunately, it looks like it could come to that.

I need to read faster.

Anonymous said...

Good Plan.

Anonymous said...

WOW - that's a lot of!